Canada Resources
Tax measures for persons with disabilities Disability-Related Information (Canadian Government)
This guide is for persons with disabilities and their supporting persons. It gives information on:
- The criteria for the disability tax credit and how to apply
- Related tax credits you can claim on the income tax and benefit return
- Other disability-related information
This guide uses plain language to explain most common tax situations.
Disability Tax Credit (Canadian Government)
The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities, or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay. An individual may claim the disability amount once they are eligible for the DTC. This amount includes a supplement for persons under 18 years of age at the end of the year.
The purpose of the DTC is to provide for greater tax equity by allowing some relief for disability costs, since these are unavoidable additional expenses that other taxpayers don’t have to face.
Caregiver tax Credit (Canadian Government)
The Canada caregiver credit helps caregivers with the expenses involved with taking care of their spouse or common-law partner or dependant who has an impairment in physical or mental functions. The Canada caregiver amount can be claimed on different lines of your tax return depending on whom you are claiming an amount for.
Disability Supports Deduction. (Canadian Government)
Individuals who have an impairment in physical or mental functions and have paid for certain medical expenses can, under certain conditions, claim the disability supports deduction. If you have an impairment in physical or mental functions, you may be able to deduct the expenses that you paid in the year so that you could:
- work
- go to school
- do research for which you received a grant
Only the person with the disability can claim expenses for this deduction.
Home accessibility expenses ( Canadian Government)
You may be able to claim this non-refundable tax credit if you own a home in Canada and paid for eligible renovations to improve the safety or accessibility of your home. You can claim up to $10,000 per year in eligible expenses. Who is eligible? You may be eligible for this credit if, at any time in the year, you meet one of the following criteria:
- You are 65 years of age or older.
- You are eligible for the DTC.
You may also claim this credit on your tax return for a dependent, if certain criteria are met.
Acess2Entertainment (Easter Seals)
The Access 2 card is for people of all ages and types of permanent disabilities who require the assistance of a support person at hundreds of participating entertainments, cultural and recreational venues across Canada.
A support person is an adult who accompanies a person with a permanent disability to assist with services that are not provided by the employees at the participating venue, such as assistance with eating, administering medication, communication and use of the facilities.
Membership Prices (2 Options): $20 for a new 3-year card or $30 for a new 5-year card
BC Resources
Person with Disability (PWD) ( Provincial Government)
The BC Employment and Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities provides disability assistance and supplements to provide greater independence for people with disabilities, including security of income, enhanced well-being, and participation in the community.
To be eligible for disability assistance, a person must meet the criteria for the Persons with Disabilities (PWD) designation and be designated as such by the ministry. PWD is not a permanent designation and the ministry has the authority to rescind an individual’s designation in exceptional circumstances.
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Application Guide:
Bus Pass Program (Lower Mainland and Greater Victoria BC):
Low-income seniors and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have access to the BC Bus Pass Program. The pass is valid in communities served by BC Transit or Translink.
Persons with Disabilities can receive a bus pass as part of their disability assistance. The BC Bus Pass is a Compass Card that lets you access transit service in both TransLink and BC Transit service areas.
HandyDART (Greater Victoria BC):
HandyDART is an accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person. HandyDART picks you up at your accessible door and drops you off at the accessible door of your destination. Customers must first register, at no charge, for this program.
HandyDart Application:
HandyDart Medical verification Form:
4206 Commerce Circle
Victoria, BC V8Z 6N6
Phone: 250-727-7811
Fax: 250-479-5660
Home Support Services (Greater Victoria)
Home Support is care provided in your home by Community Health Workers who are directed by a nurse. Community Health Workers help with things like medications, bathing and dressing for eligible clients who are:
- ill or recovering from illness or surgery
- have physical disabilities
- assessed as requiring personal assistance and/or respite for a caregiver
- need care at the end of life
the cost for Home Support services depends on your income. Home and Community Care will carry out a financial assessment to determine any daily charge. Island Health may assess your ongoing need for service on a monthly basis.
How to Apply? Get in contact with a Case Manager
Case Managers assist clients with chronic health care needs to obtain home and community care services such as Adult Day Services, Home Support, Assisted Living and Residential Care.
Case Managers will help you and your family:
- identify your care needs
- understand your care options
- connect with appropriate services
- move to more supportive care when required.
Your Case Manager will provide an assessment to find out what your needs are, coordinate access to Community Health Services, and will make adjustments if your care needs change.
If you are in the hospital, your Case Manager will work with you and your family to enable a smooth transition between hospital and home, assisted living, or residential care.
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) ( Greater Victoria)
Choice in Supports for Independent Living (CSIL) is a self-managed care option for home support services where funds are provided to eligible clients to purchase and manage their own home support services.
CSIL adds to and does not replace your efforts to care for yourself, with the help of your family, friends and your community.
To qualify for CSIL funding you must:
- be 19 years of age or older
- be able to direct and manage the CSIL contract obligations or have an alternate decision maker to do this for you.
- be able to direct all aspects of your care, or have an alternate decision maker to do this for you
- be medically and functionally stable
- require daily personal assistance
- be approved for Home Support services
You must also complete an orientation before you sign the CSIL agreement.
Leisure Involvement for Everyone (LIFE) Program (Greater Victoria)
The LIFE Program assists individuals and families with low income to access Greater Victoria recreation programs and services. You receive 52 free drop in’s and a credit towards programs/classes/camps or 50% off a membership card. In some cases, individuals/families may make more then the accounted income allowed. However, if you have disability circumstances you can get an Adjudicator for filled out by a Dr, Community worker, or School administrator that know your situation. That waves the need of providing your income tax to the recreation
Westshore part and rec application:
Westshore park and rec Adjudicator form:
Esquimalt Rec Application:
You need to go to reception to ask for Adjudicator Form.
Application form for: Cedar Hill, G.R. Pearkes, Saanich Commonwealth Place, Gordon Head
You need to go to reception and ask for Adjudicator Form
Parking Permits for Persons with Disabilities (also known as accessible parking permits or simply “parking placards”) allow the permit holder to park in designated accessible parking spots. We offer them for both motor vehicles and motorcycles, with the same process and price for both.
There are two types of parking permit: permanent and temporary. Both require a completed application filled out by both you and your doctor.