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Do you provide services for those with FND? FND Hope International is the largest and only global charity advocating for those with FND and we need your help to create an FND provider database. This database will help both clinicians and patients to find resources nearest them.
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The brain has an internal model of the world. -Professor Mark Edwards
Medical Professionals
Functional Neurological Disorder is under-researched. Few have taken the opportunity to explore the unknown where they can discover an exciting untapped area of the brain or is it the mind? Functional symptoms are truly where the two become one.
Together, we are changing the course of history for an illness that has throughout centuries perplexed not only those who are labeled but those who diagnose.
Working with Your FND Patient
For many people with FND, the journey to getting a diagnosis is a long and difficult one. Often receiving a diagnosis is a relief, where there is finally a label for the problem and a realisation that many other people have the same symptoms. However, the next obvious question is: “what is the best treatment?” For many medical conditions, most of them much rarer than FND, there are clear “care pathways” within health services. In other words, once the diagnosis is made, there are a set of treatments available which can be selected based on the exact problems a person has, their severity, other medical problems that might be present also and so on. Unfortunately, such care pathways do not widely exist for patients with FND, and the few specialist services which are in operation are not only busy but have long wait lists. This situation is challenging for people with FND for which there is no easy, quick solution.
In the end, the solution will come from raising the profile of FND within the health service and with better research evidence about what treatments work and which people benefit most from specific types of treatment. While this all sounds a bit negative, there are ways to access FND treatment which many people with FND have seen improvements in symptoms.
The Treatment tab below offers general advice about treatment. Please remember that FND affects people in many different ways and people who have FND may well have other medical problems which complicate the big picture. There is, therefore, no “one size fits all” treatment, and there is no substitute for a careful individualised assessment with a doctor/allied health professional, who understands FND.
A Functional diagnosis should be made from positive signs. The same level of respect and care should be given to FND patients just as any other patient or any other diagnosis. Patient rights and medical ethics do not change when the diagnosis is FND. Functional symptoms may be the result of other illness.
Deliver the diagnosis just like you would any other diagnosis. Many patients find it helpful to be shown their positive functional signs. It is also helpful for patient and physician to explore the plethora of risk factors for functional symptoms to determine the best course of treatment. Keeping in mind patients are okay with medical uncertainty, may help physicians remember to be transparent about what is known or unknown about FND.
FND patients who are symptomatic will need follow-up care. This should be coordinated with other specialities including GP.
Basics To Providing FND Care
What every clinician should know.
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FND Research
FND Research just got easier!
We work with researchers around the globe in various ways. Contact us to find out how you can access the only FND Scientific Patient Registry for FND Research or request a letter of support for your research proposal.
Learn MoreFunctional Neurological Disorder Society
The Functional Neurological Disorder Society is a professional society of healthcare professionals, scientists, and students who are interested in functional neurological disorders. Don’t miss the upcoming 2020 International FND conference in Boston.