Hello my name is Ramona R. I live in San Jose and I am 57 years old.
On Oct. 3, 2011 I woke up unable to talk and my left leg dropped preventing me from walking correctly. (Prior to this I had no problem walking or talking nor was I taking any medication.)
I rented a new place on 9-1-11 so I had it tested for mold when I was unable to talk. The results were positive with high level of mold found (including aspergillus).
I went to many doctors that ordered many tests including CT of head, many MRI’s (head, cervical spine, left leg), MRA, x-ray/pannel of jaw, x-ray of chest, neck and left foot, multiple blood and urine tests (even for heavy metals), EMG of left leg and the only thing found was I have a 5×7 mm lesion in my right frontal lobe in the subcortical white matter. Doctors say this lesion is not causing the speech and gait problems I am experencing.
During this time I was unable to talk. The only way I could communicate was via text messages, email or writing everything down. It was very difficult for me to schedule appointments and communicate on the phone when doctors called.
Most of the doctors said they had never seen anything like this before. They had no idea what to do. They recomended I see first an ENT doctor and then a neurologist. Many prescribed drugs that made my symptoms worse. Several doctors told me that it would not last over a year (well it has).
I requested speech and physical therapy and I was only authorized 4 sessions with a speech therapist that decided no speech therapy was needed. Physical therapy helped too (my boyfriend made me a wobble board so I could use it at home).
I found online free elementary readers and a program called audacity that could record my voice. Both of these helped me to practice talking.
I believed that there was a bright doctor in the world that would have an answer. I continued searching online. I sent Dr. Hallet at the NIH and email and he responded.
I discovered that water therapy improved my balance and ability to walk. I found a local indoor heated pool that had available all of the equipment that I could use 6 days a week.
I was referred to Dr. David Miller(he is familiar with neuromusclar dentistry, in Roseville, CA) who made an appliance for my lower teeth in Dec. 2012. The only time I took the appliance out was to eat.
On Jan. 8, 2013 when I was leaving the pool I was shocked I could talk again. On Jan. 9, 2013 others at the pool said it was a miracle that I was able to talk so much clearer. Those that never understood me now could.
I encourage all of you to keep going and not to give up. I believe there are answers.
I am happy to help others find answers or to offer support. I know how difficult it can be to deal with a disorder that doctors know little about and seem to jump to conclusions without taking adequate time to research or network with other professionals.
United we are a stronger voice than alone. We need to push doctors to find answers.
Ramona R.