After 6 years back pain and a radio frequency denervation which is still working 18 months on. This may have been trigger but that’s not the important bit here really…. I developed left foot drop, severe left leg weakness. I went from an fairly active 46 yr old lady with terrible back pain…but walking ok…to being pretty much immobile at times…with a walking stick to get about..leg muscle spasms, cramps….three neurologists…later I saw Prof Mark Edwards in London specialising in FND. The utter relief after the appointment that finally someone so kind, caring and knowledgable really understood what was going on with my body was amazing. I’ve now had 5 days intensive Neuro Physio with Glenn Nielsen under Prof Mark Edwards a month ago and within days he had me waking on a treadmill :)…nearly cried with joy. …I would say my daily pain is 2 out of 10 and not a 10 out of 10 like before….I’m not using my walking stick anymore….enjoy swimming and am improving on the treadmill at the gym. ‘Pacing ‘ is still a challenge…it’s not an absolute fix BUT they have given me amazing techniques to help me so much. I’m not a dramatic person, but feel that I have my ol’ life back and I’m eternally grateful. I just hope you all found the right treatment to help you eventually too…stay determined but hopeful…thinking of you all. Hope this is useful. Take care